Are you worrying about pool maintenance for the winter? Earlier days the swimming pool was set up on the resort but with the passage of time people now set up a swimming pool in front of their house. Though it is expensive it gives amusement to people to relax in their pastime with family. To set a swimming pool is extravagant because after setting up a pool you have to heat and clean it for use in winter.
Maintenance of above ground pools not scrupulous. The swimming pool maintenance can be divided into two areas. Firstly, the chemical is used for water treatment. Secondly, maintenance in general. The above ground pool maintenance is a little bit different but its intention is the same. Its main goal is to clean the pool and having a fresh pool to enjoy.
Numerous people consider that pool maintenance is a troublesome task but it is entirely wrong. How expensive would be your pool maintenance depends on your using equipment and your service what you are using? It would be expensive when you do it yourself. If you hire a pool maintenance company then it would be easy for you and the cost will alleviate.
10 Tips of Above Ground pool maintenance for Winter
If you want to keep your above ground pool looking beat then you need to follow these steps:
1. Powder
A customary above ground pool requires a powder chlorine treatment in a week to sterilize or once a day to sterilize. This type of cleansing helps to raise the level of chlorine in the water so high that it kills bacteria and paralyzes organic objects.
The pool should be clean in a week not in a day. Because if you clean the pool regularly then you would be unable to realize how the choline tablet works. Most people like to clean the pool at the end of the weekends when all the family members have done their bathing for the day. Cleaning is good in the evening when the sun sets down because the sun’s ultraviolet rays absorb chlorine.
2. Filter System
The filter is the most vital part of a pool. Like the liver of a human being. Filter helps the pool to remove impurities from water. Removing Silica and other small particles filter does this. Many people think that the water of the pool can be kept fresh by using a Filter. But it is absolutely wrong.
Clean the water of the pool filter plays an 80% role. Chemicals kill bacteria and organic germs in the water which is very harmful to the human body. When they die filter helps to remove them from water. without operating a filter system your pool would be polluted. So, it is necessary to have a filter for a pool.
3. Algaecide
Algaecide helps to prevent algae from the water. It is an organic object which is harmful but it doesn’t see in a bare eye. It can be only seen in a microscope. Algae is green in color. Algaecide should be used on a weekly basis.
There is no need for Algaecide if you maintain a high chlorine level. But most people use a normal level of Algaecide. For this, they should use Algaecide.
4. Vacuuming
If you want to vacuum your pool then you need once a week or daily twice. If you connect the vacuum head with the pole of the pool it absorbs all kinds of dirt and small particles.
You can repeat this regularly until the water of the pool is looking cloudy. Vacuuming is more effective than chlorine tablets. Vacuuming is a natural process. You don’t need any kind of pool chemical if you are using a vacuum.
5. Skimmer
Skimmers play important role in above ground pool maintenance. But it is a difficult task. You need to use a skimmer to take out punk. Skimming and keeping your pool filter in check is the most important thing for pool maintenance.
But you have to remember one thing that if the skimmer’s pump would block then you will be unable to clean the pool. Too much rubbish will block the water supply.
6. Cleaning
If you have proper equipment then your pool cleaning will be easier. Among all modern equipment, you need to have some old fashioned elbow grease. They are-
- Net skimmer
- Pool Brush
- Pool Vacuum.
Cleaning the pool is the most important thing. Otherwise, debris, leaves, shampoos, perfumes will contaminate the water of the pool. So you should skim, brush or vacuum your pool in a week for safe swimming.
7. Pumping
The pool pump is the most vital part of pool cleaning. It circulates the water to filter and chemical feeding system. Through pumping, every drop of water in the pool will filter within 8 hours. You should pump regularly 8-12 hours a day.
8. Circulation
In a circulation system, water is marked from the pool through skimmers and drains by a centrifugal pump. The water passes through a basket in the skimmer and in front of the pump to remove large debris before it gets to the pump’s impeller.
One of the best ways to immediately improve your swimming pool’s circulation is to clean your filter and remove any debris from the skimmer basket. By doing this your pump will be allowed to push more water through your hoses and out the pools return boosting the water circulation.
9. Water Balance
A balanced swimming pool should have five components (Total alkalinity, pH, calcium hardness, Stabilizer, and total dissolved solids) within their proper level. These components act together to help the sanitizer work more effectively. You can test it pool testing kits sold online
10. Salt Water System
Saltwater system has many advantages like they have lower chlorine levels, saltwater pools are much gentler on the eyes and skin. Saltwater systems may be safer than chlorine pool, that force owners to store and handle unsafe chemicals. Saltwater still use to kill bacteria in the pool water.
Setting a swimming pool is one of the most pleasing ways to enjoy sunbath with family but it needs regular care but it doesn’t mean you will spend your whole life maintaining above ground pool. To have an easy way of above ground pool maintenance you should overlook this thesis.
Thanks for sharing. Pool maintenance is very important, regardless of the season. Using a filter system and a vacuum is beneficial. This is great information.