Polaris pool cleaner troubleshooting guide

The investment shows the result, especially when you will buy a Polaris Pool Cleaner. This Robotic Automatic Pool Cleaner can do an awesome job, and it is reliable too, but when you find some malfunction, make sure you can perfectly get over from it. But how you can ensure it?

We will cover the article with 10 Polaris pool cleaner troubleshooting guide, and at the end of the article, you won’t get worried if the cleaner fails to serve it’s a task as you will know how to fix it. Enjoy the article and get over from your hard time.

Top ten tips for Polaris Pool Cleaner Troubleshooting

When you will buy a best pool vacuum cleaner and use them a couple of seasons then you may face some problems, it is pretty normal. Your cleaner may damage and fail to operate. So the burning question is how to fix it properly? Don’t worry, and don’t keep it in a garage rather try our following top ten tips to come out from this.

10 Polaris pool cleaner troubleshooting guide

1. Broken Quick Disconnect

The hose of the Polaris pool cleaner comes to attach with the return jet, and the quick disconnect helps to attach it. It is pretty common that the debris goes inside there and causes a problem. If you find the debris over there that clogged the system, then it is obvious that the cleaner won’t perform.

Solution: Normally, you will find a screen into the quick disconnect and the debris caught by it. You can simply detach it from the hose and dispose of the debris. Secondly, when you open it, then make sure to check whether the disconnect is broken or not. If you find it broken, then you need to replace it with a new one. You can examine it when observing the water come out from the tiny little hole and stop the cleaner from getting adequate pressure.

2. Float hose becomes leaky

As you are using the pool cleaner so you supposed to know about the filter bag which captures the debris by sucking up water. After that, the water gets back to the return jet via the float hose. Unfortunately, a leak in that hose will decrease the pressure of your pool cleaner.

Solution: When you find any leaks there, then use a waterproof tape and seal it. It is a temporary solution as it will eventually fail. Therefore, you will need to change the hose.

3. Broken Booster Pump

Booster pump normally help the cleaner to get strong pressure from the return line whenever you start using it. Over the period, it is normal the booster pump get broken.

Polaris pool cleaner troubleshooting - Broken Booster Pump

Solution: When you will face this type of problem, then check the pump and then the filter to see whether it is working properly or not. If you can find it works properly, then you are supposed to narrow it down to the booster pump. You can repair it, but it won’t support you for a long time and then the expense and time will be added to replace it at the first shot. 

4. Broken Belts

 Belts are essential whether it comes to indoor vacuum or deep inside your pool cleaner. It supports the wheel to run and work and if you find the belt breaks, then what should you do?  Check out the solution below:

Solution: Finding out trouble is the main task. To know where the trouble lies, check the back-up valve and the tail. If you can find them working back and forth and the wheels aren’t working, it seems the problem comes to the broken belt. Fortunately, it is the easiest way to Polaris pool cleaner troubleshooting.

5. Internal Tube troubleshoots

Water tubes is the part of the cleaner that helps to get pressure throughout the cleaning unit. Unfortunately,  it could be disconnected. As a result, the internal pressure will reduce so the cleaner comes to standstill.

Internal Tube troubleshoots

Solution: When you will face this trouble, open up the cleaner, and check out the internal tubing, whether it is connected properly or not. If you find it disconnected then simply reattaching it, hence, you need to use the hose clamps to keep it in the right place.

6. Hoses and cables

Often you may find the hoses and the cables become tangled since they are stiff and can not easily move as the cleaner does.

Solution: You can fix them on a sunny day start disconnecting the float hose and the power cable first, and then stretch them out across the driveway and finally make it fully laid out. Now work out to fix the tangles and make it straight. If you are done with this, then leave it under the sun for a few hours. The hit comes from the sun will soften the plastic to some extent and make it more pliable. Finally, it will move perfectly and the cleaner works properly too.

7. Connectors

Make sure that, the hose is moving and you avoid the hose tangling. The swivel connectors help to join the hose, and then the hose normally comes to move. How to fix the problem when you find the tangled hose? Inside the connectors, you can find some tiny ball that is called bearings which run the swivel. When the ball bearing is not rolling properly, then the connectors won’t be able to swivel. As a result, the hose can’t move.

Polaris pool cleaner troubleshooting

Solution: First of all, make sure you have to check out the connectors. If you find the problem, then use the lubricants that should be waterproof. If you don’t get help in this way, then we afraid, you need to replace it.

8. Back-up valve

You can find a large white device in the hose that is called back up valve. It helps to fire high-pressure bursts coming out from the nozzle, that help to move the cleaner and finally help it to clean the pool. What if happen if it comes out leaky?

Solution: Whenever you find out leaky, or the water is coming out constantly then you need to replace with another one, however, like first aid, you can tape it to stop coming out the water.

9. Minimize the Hose length

Don’t forget to check out the length of the hose for the pool cleaner troubleshooting. It is for finding out any tangles due to the excess length. It is good to go to have a long hose to move freely. However, the excess part of the hose will give a hard time for swiveling.

Solution: The solution part is to figure out the problem, whether the length is good to go or not. In that case, you can measure the pool depth and then measure whether it is too long and if you found the extra length then cut the lead hose section and reassemble the pool cleaner.

10. Check out the right weather

Weather does matter when you are going through the troubleshooting of Polaris pool cleaner. The cool weather doesn’t help to make the hose soften and the cable too. Avoid this kind of weather that will increase the tangling of hose or the cable.

Solution: The solution is not like rocket science, you just need to pace with the right temperature dips below 70-degree Fahrenheit. What if happen, when you can’t avoid the cool weather? At least, you need to get the sun and increase the time to lie the hose under the sun and then keep an eye how it works to untangle the knots.

Final thought

You don’t have to go through a lot of this and that to educate yourself for Polaris pool cleaner troubleshooting. Try to find out the difficulty of the cleaner first, and then check out from our top ten list here. Hopefully, your problem will be matched with our solution to fix it and enjoy your Polaris pool cleaner again!

Ron Walsh
Ron Walsh

My name is Ron Walsh. I’m an industry expert, certified pool technician, and avid lover of all things aquatic. In my beautiful homeland of Florida, where I still reside today, pools are everywhere. Needless to say, I learned to love water at a young age. With my love of water, and pools in particular, it was only natural that I follow a career path in the swimming pool industry. If there’s someone to learn about above ground pools, pool cleaners and maintenance from, it would definitely be me. If you have any question just let me know.

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  1. Need a pool repair for 360

  2. I recently purchased a pool cleaner TR28P. My issue is that when it rests, it stays on top of water, and when operating it really doesn’t touch the bottom of the pool basin

  3. when my polasis is running there is a clanking noise coming from where it attaches ?

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